Global networks in higher education

Providing the Network Secretariat to HUMANE, Heads of University Administration Network in Europe, a large network of some 170 heads of administration in 26 countries.

From 3103 to 2019 providing advice and support to EFMD, a large association of some 900 business schools, universities, public and private organisations in around 90 countries worldwide.

Network Activities

  • Directed MODERN European Platform higher education modernisation (2008-2012) which brought together most associations in the higher education sector in Europe (40 partner organisations; EU-funded Lifelong Learning Structural Network Project)

  • Directed EU-Drivers platform – universities driving regional innovation (2009-2012) which brought together academia, business and regional authorities (EU-funded Lifelong Learning Structural Network Project); close work with European Commission (DGEAC, DG RTD and DG Regio) for regional engagement and innovation under the Smart Specialisation Strategy