At BCS Consult our prime objective is to work closely with Higher Education Institutions to assist them in achieving excellence and improved performance through strong leadership, governance,  strategic direction and profiling in a wide range of areas.

These may include areas such as:

  • Internationalisation 
  • Quality assurance 
  • Research and innovation 
  • Regional engagement 
  • Teaching and learning 

We provide customised services to higher education institutions and their stakeholders in the higher education sector. We advise on the design, evaluation and implementation of strategies on faculty and institution-wide level. In providing tailor-made solutions to address our clients’ needs, we build dedicated teams of senior experts from around the world selected from our wide network of specialists and top managers from higher education institutions. We carry out research, evaluation and analysis of EU and national policies and programmes in higher education. Let's start the conversation.

Let's start the conversation...